Here to help you conquer life's challenges
New Or Expecting moms
Birth - Three Years
Elementary - High School
Transition to Adulthood
At Conquer Therapy Services, we believe that success and fulfillment occurs when we combine our research and knowledge with your expertise in your self and your child. As a result, we offer a variety of therapy services (including Occupational, Speech and Physical Therapy), and partner with you to overcome challenges and meet your fullest potential.
It is important that we work together to determine goals that are meaningful to you. We provide you with individualized support based off your priorities and needs. We deliver exceptional care in a variety of settings which can include in your home, at school, in the community, or at our office.
Our 4 part commitment for your success
Our occupational therapists, physical therapists and speech language pathologists are rooted in research- always providing the most pertinent and effective treatment.
We value your knowledge in yourself, your child or your student. Therefore, it is important for us to work with you throughout your therapy.
If you are seeking therapy, you are most likely experiencing a challenge. Or, you know that you or your child are not meeting your fullest potential. Working with us, you will be empowered to make actionable steps towards success.
We work together to ensure skill development and success is generalized in the settings that matter most to you through our research based, collaborative and empowering approach.

Check out our other programs targeting skills such as:
Foster and Adoptive Care
Transition to Adulthood
ADHD/Executive Function
Spinal Cord
Augmentative & Alternative Communication
Pediatric Pelvic Floor
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- 1000 Executive Parkway Drive, Suite 120; St. Louis MO 63141
- 314-828-1443
- 314-582-6336