Feeding Therapy

Establishing healthy eating habits is vital for a child’s overall well-being, from infancy through young adulthood. Our dedicated feeding therapy program addresses motor skill challenges, picky eating, and supports those on tube feedings. We provide specialized interventions for infants, babies, and young adults, ensuring a positive and enjoyable relationship with food at every stage. Our skilled therapists conduct thorough assessments, offering personalized interventions to meet the unique needs of individuals relying on various feeding methods.

Understanding Feeding Therapy

Feeding therapy is a specialized area of intervention focusing on challenges related to the motor skills involved in eating and the development of healthy eating habits. From infants experiencing difficulties with bottle-feeding to young adults struggling with transitioning to solid foods or individuals on tube feedings, our feeding therapy program is tailored to meet the unique needs of each individual across all developmental stages.

How Our Skilled Therapists Make A Difference:

Assessment of your child’s skills related to feeding. This includes evaluating chewing, swallowing, oral motor coordination, sensory integration, and other essential aspects to pinpoint specific challenges and areas for improvement.

Based on the assessment, our therapists develop personalized intervention plans that address the unique needs of your child, whether they are an infant learning to bottle-feed, a child expanding their food intake, or an individual on tube feedings. These interventions may include exercises to strengthen oral motor muscles, sensory integration activities, and techniques to improve motor coordination during feeding.

For children experiencing challenges with chewing and swallowing, our feeding therapy focuses on building the necessary motor skills and coordination. Through age-appropriate exercises and activities, we aim to improve the efficiency and comfort of these essential functions, starting from infancy.

We understand that transitioning to solid foods can be a significant milestone, and our team provides support for children encountering difficulties in this area. This includes addressing any motor skill challenges and easing anxiety associated with new textures and tastes.

Individuals relying on tube feedings receive specialized support to enhance their feeding experiences. Our therapists work collaboratively with individuals and their families to address any challenges and optimize the overall feeding process, promoting comfort and well-being.

Our ultimate goal is to foster a positive relationship between your child and food, regardless of their feeding method. By addressing feeding challenges, we create a supportive environment that encourages exploration and enjoyment of a variety of foods, setting the foundation for a lifetime of healthy eating habits.

 At Conquer Therapy, our feeding therapy program is designed to go beyond addressing immediate challenges, aiming to instill a lasting positive relationship with food right from infancy. If you observe motor skill challenges, picky eating behaviors, or require support for tube feedings in your child, whether they are a baby or a young adult, our skilled therapists are ready to conduct a thorough assessment and tailor interventions to meet their unique needs.