Sensory Insights Part 3: Effective Sensory Strategies

Setting the Stage for Developing Sensory Strategies

Let’s rewind a bit and chat about our journey through the fascinating world of sensory exploration. In our earlier discussions, we dove deep into the core of sensory systems. You can catch all the juicy details over at It’s like peeking behind the curtain and understanding the magic that makes our senses tick.

But here’s the real gem: we didn’t stop there. Nope, we went further and unveiled the art of deciphering how each individual processes and interprets sensory inputs. If you’re curious, you can find all the nitty-gritty at Trust me, this process is like revealing the secrets of a puzzle.

Now, I’ve got to emphasize just how crucial it is to soak up the wisdom we’ve gathered during these initial stages. Think of it as laying the groundwork for something incredible. By immersing yourself in these early phases, you’re setting the stage for crafting sensory strategies that are tailor-made and oh-so-effective

Sensory Behaviors are the Norm

Before we get all strategy-crazy, let’s have a chat about sensory quirks. We all have them – those little sensory behaviors that make us unique. Think foot-tapping, gum-chewing, or maybe even a little pacing. Believe it or not, these quirks are our body’s way of keeping itself in check. And here’s the thing: if these habits aren’t causing a ruckus or messing with your groove, there’s really no need to change them.

Oh, and here’s a friendly reminder: when it comes to tweaking behaviors, getting the person involved is like the golden rule. It’s all about respecting their say and honoring their uniqueness.

When Sensory Behaviors Interfere of Success 

Now, let’s shift gears to those times when sensory behaviors are not serving us. If someone’s telling us that their sensory preferences are throwing them off track, we step up to the plate. Yep, it’s time for a deep dive. We do this nifty thing called a sensory evaluation, where we get down to the nitty-gritty of behaviors tied to sensory needs. Just like we discussed  in our previous post at, understanding the ins and outs of these sensory systems is key. And guess what? Each system dances to its own beat. For instance, someone needs to touch things more than others but on the other hand, their ears are super-sensitive.

Sensory Responsiveness Breakdown

But here’s the big reveal: we’ve got two main categories for these unique sensory responses:

  • Sensory Modulation Challenges: Imagine your brain as this cool conductor, taking in all the sensory input, sorting out the important bits, and then helping you regulate and respond like a champ. But sometimes, it’s like your brain’s got too much going on or not enough, and things get a bit haywire. This shows up in all sorts of ways across the eight sensory systems of the body.
  • Sensory Discrimination Hiccups: Ever tried to pick out the subtle flavors in a complex dish? Well, that’s what sensory discrimination is like – your brain’s way of picking out the unique aspects of different sensory inputs. And yup, you guessed it, this plays out in each of those eight systems too.

Now onto Sensory Intervention… 

Once we’ve cracked the code on someone’s sensory preferences, it’s go-time for interventions to enjoy your favorite activities without those sensory roadblocks.

We’ve got a playbook for these interventions. It’s like a secret recipe for sensory success. And while I’d love to spill all the beans here, remember, these are the big ideas. For that personalized touch, you’ve got to tailor these strategies to fit the individual.

Strategies to Tackle Sensory Struggles:

  • The Low-Key Responders: For those who don’t catch sensory stuff as quickly, we’re all about boosting their sensory experiences in daily life. It’s like adding a dash of sensory excitement to their routine.
  • The Super Sensitive Crew: Ever met someone who’s like, “Whoa, that’s a lot”? Yeah, those hypersensitive folks. We’re all about easing them into sensory experiences, helping them adapt gradually. Sometimes, it’s about changing up the environment or tasks so they can join in without feeling overwhelmed.
  • The Sensory Seekers: Now, these are the folks who crave sensory excitement. Our plan? Providing meaningful sensory activities that hit the spot. This way, they’re getting their sensory fix at specific times, without it taking over their day.

In a nutshell, this is our sensory playbook. By understanding these unique quirks and creating strategies that fit like a glove, we’re all about making life rich with sensory experiences, bumps and all.

Do you or do you know someone who has sensory behaviors that interfere with their success?  If so, reach out to us today through our Contact Us page at Whether you’re seeking guidance for yourself or a loved one, our dedicated team is here to listen, understand, and provide personalized solutions that can make a profound difference in your journey. Don’t hesitate – let’s connect and embark on this transformative path together. Your sensory solutions await!

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