Initial Perception of Occupational, Speech, Physical Therapy
When people think of occupational therapy, their mind immediately thinks that only a person with a diagnosed condition would benefit from or be allowed to seek these services. While many of our programs and services are tailored to support children and families with diagnosed conditions, occupational therapy also plays a huge role in overall wellness and prevention. Many people of all ages could benefit from guidance of an occupational therapist in some occupation of his or her life. Occupational therapists have a unique skill set to see the person as a whole and tediously break down each piece to find ways to improve life for that individual.
By the time many of our clients and their parents get to us, they have been trying to navigate so many challenging areas for months or years on their own. They have tried many different avenues with minimal progress. I have had parents in tears on the first phone call in utter desperation for help.
Proactive Services versus Reactive Therapy Services
My goal is to break the mold and get parents to seek help before desperation sets in. I have had parents tell me they waited because they were embarrassed feeling like it was their fault their child was struggling. Parents tell me that they kept hoping things would get better. The truth is that parenting at every age is so beautiful and so HARD all at the same time. It is the best job and the most challenging job on the planet.
After listening to the parents and letting them have a minute to take a breath, I praise them for seeing their child and being brave enough to ask for help. They are doing the work day in and day out and trusted their instincts to know they needed help. I over emphasize parenting is a JOB. In my opinion one, for those that choose to be parents, the most important one we can take on. Most jobs require training and education and advice from experts. We seek degrees, apprenticeships, mentorship, and continuing education in our careers to be the best we can be.
We are a Lifeline to Parents
In parenting, there is plenty out there to read, classes to take, groups to join, and support of those who have done it before us. The difficult part is that each child is so different. Parenting brings an indescribable emotional connection that is different than any emotional component you feel in your career. You can’t weed it out, leave the emotions at work, and separate it. Parenting is a 24/7 job that evolves as your child grows.
I mention all of this because so often parents tell me I wish there was a handbook with step-by-step directions to tell me how to help. I tell them, “There are so many books, Facebook groups, and online resources, but it is hard as a parent to know what to trust or how to take what you read and implement it with their child.” Sometimes advice from a trusted family member, doctor, book, or parent group is just the right advice to help a challenging area, but sometimes it is just not enough, and problems persist.
This is where we come in! We are working diligently to add free and paid resources to our website. These resources will give another place for parents to have support and professional resources in a variety of areas to try. We strive to help as many people as possible. Our therapy services take a unique approach. We offer a fifteen-minute connection call for parents to talk with us to determine if our services could benefit your child and family.
When in doubt… call us!
If your child is struggling in any area or if you can’t quite put your finger on it, reach out! Some areas we address are sleep, picky eating, delayed milestones, attention, sensory processing concerns, a home space that is not functional for your child, communication, and more. We look at every “occupation” that may be a struggle for your child. And then we help you and your child navigate through it. Our variety of plans tailor to your needs. We can provide assessments, parent consultations, and direct interventions with your child. We work with you to make a significant, positive impact in one or more daily routines.
If we can get parents, doctors, and other professionals to view occupational therapy as not only a rehabilitative profession, but also a preventative and proactive profession we can break the mold and make positive change early. If you are reading this thinking this may be a company that may be the answer to my questions and concerns, please call. We are honest during our call and will tell you if our services will or will not be beneficial. We want to reach more people sooner in their journey and truly break the mold.

Disclaimer: This blog does not replace direct intervention for a client. If you feel you or your child could benefit from skilled services please reach out or speak to your doctor.