MORE Practical Tips for Moms 

This week we are going to shift gears in honor of Mother’s Day. We are revisiting and updating our list of our favorite practical tips for moms. These are our favorites, but we would love to hear from you too! Please send us a message or comment here to share your favorite helpful tips. 

A season when each day felt like survival. I got through knowing these two were depending on me and giving me light.

The first tip that helps us go from surviving to thriving is to know that a rut is just a bump in the road. We have each fallen into so many ruts. Whether it be struggling to find work/life balance, putting everything before our physical and mental well being, or just feeling in a slump. Ruts can last days, weeks, or a couple months…a season. It is not meant to be a new normal, but oftentimes pulling yourself out feels impossible. Having some “go to” strategies to get back on track are so important. 

Favorite Practical Tips

  1. Get yourself an old school paper planner that keeps you organized. Make a realistic to-do list for your week. Check in daily and make the best use of your time…because all moms know that time truly is a thief. It helps so much to have a plan for the day. This helps make the most of your time. It also helps the mom-brain (it really is a thing) remember to do all of the things.
  2. Again, the old school planner comes in for the save. This allows us to have our to-do lists, appointments, and meal plan all in one spot. Meal plan a week in advance. Check the calendar and plan around those busy evenings so you aren’t running for fast food. Eating out can save you in a short term rut. Use it to survive, then pull yourself out of the pitfall before it becomes the norm. Meal planning saves money, offers a more well-balanced diet, allows for more family dinners together, and keeps you on track for busy weeks.
  3. You’re a team!  Giving everyone in your family “jobs” will help them to feel like important members of the family.  I have to remind myself to put in initial additional time to show my kids how to do certain tasks. But, eventually it pays off. I am building their life skills as well as giving them a purpose in our family. Remember that your gratitude will go a long way with your kiddos!
  4. Focus on quality over quantity when it comes to time with your kids. There will be seasons when you are with them nonstop and feel like your time is not quality.  On the contrary, there are seasons when you feel like you barely see them and the time you do is just a logistic check in. No matter what season, take a breath and squeeze in that quality time. You and your child will both feel better with it.
  5. Make a list of things you do that take care of YOU. This allows you to be the best for yourself and them. Here are a few small things that work for us: get our steps in every day, yoga, spending time with our kids just relaxing or exploring a new activity, having a well balanced diet and sufficient water intake, getting outside, taking time for our middle aged skin, and talking to other adults! 
  6. Systems Save Me. I wouldn’t be able to survive without making systems for our everyday tasks.  For example, when my husband gets home with the groceries, the kids and I come into the kitchen, the kids unload (which they love because they get to see the new foods we bought!) and I put them into specific spots.  Another example… My son has a ton of soccer kits that he has to keep track of for certain games.  Once the laundry is washed and folded, everyone knows that each jersey (and matching pieces) go into its specific bag and straight into his soccer bag.  This helps us avoid the last minute scramble before games and practices.
  7. Technology can be our friend. We both use technology to help our families function.  There are endless supports that devices such as Google homes and Alexa’s can help with.  Some of those include- Timers of how long they can play a game, Grocery lists or when items run out and need to be purchased, Alarms for when we need to leave or get ready for something, Announcements to the whole family about certain routines, Help with spelling words for a school project or looking up the meaning of a word.
  8. Build a village! Put yourself out there with other moms in the same season. There is not a day that goes by that we do not thank our lucky stars for the family and friend support that show up for us. This may mean joining mommy and baby groups, volunteering at your child’s school, or playing a role in the activities they are involved in. The time investment is so worth it to grow your village and make more lifelong friends to support you and you support them along the parenting journey.
  9. Just kidding…more tips to come on our social media. Follow us on Facebook  and Instagram  to see quick visuals on how we do all the above every week to keep our families operating smoothly. We will also give suggestions on ways to start some of these helpful tips and tricks and make them become a habit.
Quality vs Quantity Time- When I feel exhausted at the end of the day, reading books and snuggling is my favorite “go to” activity

Resources We Want to Share with You!

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