Oh summer- how much we love you! While summer is such a fun time of the year, do you feel like your kids can have high expectations for what they are doing? Or maybe it’s my “mom guilt” that I am supposed to make every day of every summer memorable. Once I realize this is completely a completely unrealistic expectation, I instead focus on having a balance of down time, at home hang out time, quiet time, vacations, outings and camps. Because we have dealt with the balance of summer for many years, we wanted to share our favorite summer shopping list with you! Our hope is to make your summer as enjoyable as possible!

Even when we are not going to the beach, we dream about going to the beach. When we make it there, we use these to make it as seamless as possible! Check out our summer shopping beach list.

Okay, so summer has many fun outings, but it also involves alot of home time! Here is our summer shopping list for at home activities.
We hope that opening our Amazon summer shopping list helps you and your loved ones to have the best summer yet!