Why Kids Should Continue PT Through Summer

As the summer sun beckons children outdoors for fun and adventure, it’s easy to overlook the importance of maintaining physical therapy (PT) services during this time. However, as pediatric physical therapists at Conquer Therapy Services in St. Louis, we understand the significance of consistent therapy, especially during the summer months. In this blog post, we’ll delve into the benefits of continuing physical therapy through summer, from preventing injuries to promoting mobility and gross motor skill development.

summer PT

The Importance of Summer Physical Therapy

Summer is a time for exploration, play, and outdoor activities. However, it’s also a time when children may be at increased risk of injury due to their heightened levels of physical activity. Whether it’s running, jumping, swimming, or playing sports, staying active during the summer months can put strain on growing bodies. Physical therapy plays a crucial role in preventing injuries, maintaining mobility, and promoting optimal physical function, making it an essential component of a child’s summer routine.

Preventing Injuries and Promoting Rehabilitation

For children recovering from injuries or undergoing rehabilitation, consistent physical therapy is essential for optimal recovery and preventing re-injury. Summer break provides an opportunity for uninterrupted therapy sessions, allowing children to focus on their rehabilitation goals without the distractions of school or extracurricular activities. By continuing physical therapy through the summer months, children can build strength, improve flexibility, and regain functional abilities, ensuring a safe and successful return to their favorite summer activities.

Importance of Staying Mobile and Developing Gross Motor Skills

Physical therapy isn’t just about treating injuries; it’s also about promoting overall mobility and gross motor skill development. In today’s increasingly sedentary world, it’s more important than ever for children to stay active and engage in regular physical activity. Physical therapy helps children build strength, endurance, balance, and coordination, all of which are essential for participating in sports, recreational activities, and everyday tasks. By incorporating fun and engaging activities into therapy sessions, physical therapists can help children develop the skills they need to stay active and healthy throughout the summer and beyond.

Consistency Supports Success with Functional Performance

Consistency is key when it comes to physical therapy. Just as regular exercise yields better results than sporadic workouts, consistent therapy sessions lead to improved functional performance and long-term success. By maintaining a consistent therapy schedule throughout the summer months, children can build on their progress and achieve their therapy goals more effectively. Whether it’s improving range of motion, enhancing muscle strength, or mastering new motor skills, consistent therapy lays the foundation for success in functional performance and overall physical well-being.

Additional Benefits of Summer Physical Therapy

Enhances sports performance: For children involved in sports or athletic activities, summer physical therapy can help improve performance, prevent injuries, and enhance overall athletic abilities.
Promotes social interaction: Physical therapy group sessions provide opportunities for children to interact with peers, develop social skills, and build confidence in their abilities.
Supports mental health: Physical activity has been shown to have positive effects on mental health, reducing stress, anxiety, and depression. By staying active through physical therapy, children can enjoy the mental health benefits of regular exercise.

Why Choose Conquer Therapy Services in St. Louis

At Conquer Therapy Services in St. Louis, we’re dedicated to helping children stay injury-free, stay active, and thrive all year round. Our team of experienced pediatric physical therapists specializes in providing individualized therapy services tailored to each child’s unique needs and goals. Whether it’s preventing injuries, promoting mobility, or enhancing gross motor skills, we’re here to support your child’s physical development and help them reach their full potential.

Don’t Let Summer Interrupt Your Child’s Progress

Don’t let summer break disrupt your child’s therapy routine. Contact Conquer Therapy Services in St. Louis today to schedule your child’s physical therapy sessions and ensure they stay injury-free, stay active, and continue to develop their gross motor skills throughout the summer months. With our expert guidance and support, your child can enjoy a safe, healthy, and active summer season.

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Physical Therapy

Physical Therapy

At Conquer Therapy Services, we are dedicated to providing client-centered physical therapy services that address a wide range of skills, from prenatal support to adulthood. Our expert therapists are committed to helping individuals overcome challenges and achieve their full potential in various aspects of life.

How Can We Help You

Developing gross motor skills empowers individuals to navigate the world with increased independence. Whether it’s the joy of catching a ball or the confidence to take those first steps, these skills lay the foundation for a more self-reliant and empowered life.

Our focus on safe navigation around playground equipment ensures that individuals can fully participate in the joy of play. By facilitating safe interaction with the environment, we contribute to fostering inclusivity, social connection, and a sense of belonging.

The strength developed through our programs translates into mastery over everyday tasks. From the ability to carry a backpack to confidently climb stairs, our goal is to make each day’s activities more manageable, enhancing overall quality of life.

Beyond immediate improvements, maintaining proper alignment has profound long-term health benefits. Good posture contributes to spinal health, reduces the risk of musculoskeletal issues, and promotes a positive self-image.

Teaching individuals how to move effectively for daily tasks goes beyond physical coordination. It instills a sense of capability and independence, allowing individuals to engage in activities that bring joy, purpose, and fulfillment.

Achieving a full range of motion means experiencing a greater freedom of movement. This freedom not only impacts physical comfort but also contributes to emotional well-being, fostering a sense of liberation and self-expression.

Coordination development is not just about completing tasks; it’s about moving through life with grace and control. Improved coordination enhances confidence, facilitating smoother interactions in both social and physical contexts.

Increased endurance means individuals can participate in activities for more extended periods. This not only affects physical health but also contributes to a fuller engagement in social, educational, and recreational pursuits.

The right adaptive equipment can be transformative, opening up new possibilities for mobility and function. It’s not just about tools; it’s about creating an environment where individuals can actively participate in various aspects of life.

Our Pediatric Therapy Services Support Individuals Through Life's Milestones:

New or Expecting Moms:

Supporting new and expecting moms goes beyond physical therapy. It’s about ensuring a smooth transition into motherhood, promoting physical and emotional well-being during this transformative period.

Birth – Three: Early Developmental Foundations:

Early intervention lays the groundwork for a lifetime of well-being. Addressing concerns during the crucial birth to three years ensures that developmental milestones are met, setting the stage for future success.

Preschool: Confidence for Learning:

Physical skills developed during preschool years contribute to a child’s confidence in the classroom. From holding a pencil to participating in physical education, these skills are fundamental for academic success and social integration.

Elementary School – High School:

Our ongoing support during these years ensures that physical challenges don’t hinder the educational experience. From recess to sports, our goal is to empower students to fully participate in all aspects of school life.

Transitioning to Independence in Young Adults:

The transition to independence is both exciting and challenging. Our support during this phase addresses physical challenges, ensuring that young adults can confidently navigate the demands of work, social life, and self-care.

Dynamic Movement Intervention (DMI)

Dynamic Movement Integration (DMI) stands as an internationally recognized manual therapy technique, facilitating children in achieving gross motor milestones by harnessing the brain’s remarkable ability for neuroplasticity. DMI sets itself apart from traditional methods by provoking the highest level of gross motor independence through manual exercises, progressively challenging children to complete functional tasks. It emphasizes exposure to gravity, aligning the body against its forces and engaging multiple sensory systems for improved posture maintenance. Drawing from brain science research, DMI stimulates new strong connections in the brain, leading to rapid gross motor progress. This therapy benefits children with various conditions like Down Syndrome, cerebral palsy, and orthopedic issues, fostering neuroplastic changes within the developing brain. Sessions involve a comprehensive assessment, and the intensive model includes twice-daily sessions for three weeks, every three months. For those intrigued by DMI, a one-week option is available for a boost between intensives or as an introduction. Learn more about DMI at https://dmitherapy.com or from our PT  https://conquertherapyservices.com/2023/05/25/dmi/ . We are excited to share this transformative treatment and invite you to reach out for more information or to schedule a session.

At Conquer Therapy Services, we understand that the impact of physical therapy goes far beyond the physical. It’s about unlocking potential, fostering independence, and creating a pathway to a more fulfilling and enriched life. Contact us today to embark on a transformative journey toward holistic well-being.